Green Eggs No Ham One Pan Frittata

April 27, 2020

Green Eggs No Ham One Pan Frittata

Ever looked in the fridge and wondered, what can I make for dinner tonight? It’s a question that comes up regularly in kitchens across the world. I know it’s the most repeated question in our house! Especially at a time like this when many people are in self-isolation because of Corona Virus.

In these instances, when I’m not sure what to make and I’m looking for a fool-proof, easy meal with a big hit of vegetables, I always go to my ‘fall-back favourite’, the trusted frittata.

It's also affordable to make at $3.25 per serve (6 people) plus you have leftovers too!

This high protein, green filled meal is not only supercharged, but also perfect for vegetarians. It’s a great way to get a big hit of vegetables in one go, just my style!

What I love about frittatas is that you can easily mix and match ingredients and basically use whatever you have sitting in your crisper drawer or even use frozen vegetables if you don’t have access to fresh right now. Having a couple of packets of snap frozen vegetables in your freezer will still make this recipe work. Stock up on edamame peas, spinach, broccoli and green beans and you’ll have handy healthy ingredients to throw into the mix. Check out my free 14-day Healthy Shopping List and Kitchen Plan here.

I usually pair a slice for dinner with some greens and a side of Savoury Smashed Root Vegetables, then we store the remainder in an airtight container for the following day. I call it supercharged stockpiling!

The frittata leftovers are then sliced into wedges to pack for lunches, another dinner option, or snacks. It’s also a viable option if you are travelling into work at this time, as it’s wonderful eaten as a cold dish, plus it’s perfectly easy to warehouse.

When creating supercharged meals, think about adding different herbs, spices and flavours and different textures and temperatures, as this will give you variety and the sense that you’re not eating the same meal over and over.

I’ve used garlic in this dish, as it’s a winning ingredient because not only does it intensify a dish and impart rich flavour, it’s also an all-rounder when it comes to promoting health. Garlic is a strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent, which is why getting stuck into it during cold and flu season, can help you stay healthy.

When you start by sautéing onion or garlic at the beginning of your cooking story, you’ll find they’ll unleash a powerful flavour that lends itself to releasing the aromas of other ingredients in your dish. Some people like to add it in towards the end of a dish; it’s entirely up to you. What is so good about the strong flavour profile is that it will only increase the longer you wait to eat it. That’s why it’s perfect to include in a dish you plan on reheating the next day.

Frittatas lend themselves to the use of different herbs and spices, adding a delicious aroma to your meal in addition to loading your dish up with health-promoting properties. This is especially important for families who need to satisfy the taste buds of their children or partners.

Discovering the different flavours and aromas of herbs and spices already in your pantry can be the difference between your family pushing their plates away and eating their meals with delight.

If the thought of herbs and spices gets you into a muddle and tarragon and oregano sound like American states, I’ve created a wonderful reference guide which includes all of the most common and some uncommon herbs and spices here. I’ve detailed thirty-seven of my favourite herbs and spices to zest and flavour your meals and give them a whole new lease on life.

A Supercharged tip is to store dried herbs and spices in a cool, dry place preferable not above the oven. This will keep them in peak condition. Dried or dehydrated herbs keep fresh for a year but it’s helpful to write use-by dates and label them just to make sure.

I always try to stock some good quality sea salt or pink Himalayan salt in the pantry, which contain minerals to add even more nutrition and great flavour to your cooking.

Adding sweet vegetables such as frozen peas to your meals will give you the fibre needed for good gut health, one of my key principles for health and they taste wonderful in this frittata.

If you don’t have fresh tomatoes on hand as I’ve used in this recipe, you can still add sweetness and a richness of flavour to your meal by using tinned tomatoes. They’re a versatile and low-calorie product good to have on hand in your pantry and can be used at a moments notice.

I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve when making a good frittata. One is to monitor the stovetop heat (medium to low) and then crisp and fluff it up under the grill until puffy. I also think the right cheese makes a difference and Fetta or goat’s cheese is the key here, you want the right amount of saltiness but not too much! For added gut-loving benefits, try adding a spoonful of Love Your Gut powder. It's completely flavourless and a great way of sneaking in some extra goodness.

Enjoy my Green Eggs No Ham Frittata hot or cold and in any kind of weather. Putting it under the grill will give you a golden brown with a crusty top.

And another little tip from me, make this recipe in a muffin tin, and when cooked they can be stored in the fridge for four to five days.

Green Eggs No Ham Frittata


  • 6 eggs
  • 2 garlic cloves chopped
  • handful chopped herbs, I used mint, parsley, rosemary, coriander, thyme and basil
  • splash of oat milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 TBS olive oil
  • 1 TBS Love Your Gut powder (optional)
  • handful of kale
  • pinch chili flakes
  • 2 cups frozen minted peas
  • 6 small truss tomatoes halved
  • ½ cup goat’s cheese or feta


  • Whisk eggs in a bowl and add garlic, herbs, Love Your Gut powder and milk
  • Heat oil in a buffet pan and add kale, sautéing for a couple of minutes then sprinkle with chili flakes
  • Stir through the peas on a gentle heat
  • Add egg mixture to the pan and add tomatoes and cheese
  • Cook over a low to medium heat for 8-10 minutes or until almost set
  • Place under a grill for 3-5 minutes until puffy on top

Serve with fresh greens

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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