April 25, 2022 1 Comment

A table displaying a tray of cookies, featuring the Golden Gut Digestive Cookie.

Sometimes, all we really want is a really good cookie. The simple baked and crunchy deliciousness is just the answer, no matter the question. In this cookie’s case it’s the solution to our digestion that takes the cake.

We’ve all heard of Digestive Biscuits right? You know, the ones with the disclaimer that “they have no benefit for your digestion whatsoever” (with all the sugar and processed ingredients they’re definitely not so digestively friendly!) But, they’ve just always been called Digestives so the name has just stuck. Well, with this cookie we’re about to share with the digestive benefits are really real.

This digestive cookie is ideal between meals as a snack and after meals as a ‘something sweet’ treat. Whichever way you enjoy this cookie it’s your gut and digestion that really gets a kick out of it. Keep a bunch of them on hand for you and your loved ones.

A Packet of Golden Gut Diatomaceous Earth and a Spoon Placed on a Table.

Golden Gut is Gold for your Gut

The golden ingredient is our Love Your Gut Golden Gut blend. It’s a yummy blend of diatomaceous earth, de-bittered turmeric, ginger and black pepper. It goes well in a lot of baking dishes, like this cookie and as a flavour enhancer for granola, smoothies and yoghurt.

Lee Holmes, Clinical Nutritionist from Supercharged Food says “I’ve been making this Golden Gut digestive cookie recipe for years now. I love sharing it, as it’s so simple and just tastes really nice and the benefits are undeniable. People love these cookies for the taste and how they make them feel…the two most important goals of any Supercharged recipe.”

Before we get to the recipe let’s look at other great ways to supercharge your digestion.

Pre meal

In the hours leading up to a main meal, be a bit mindful to prep your gut for the work ahead.

Drink water. Water helps solid foods be digested and nutrients absorbed better. Add Love Your Gut powder or capsules to help clean your gut so it works harder.

Love Your Gut powder or capsules

Love Your Gut a little

You can also prime your gut with our new Love Your Gut Synbiotic blend. You can take it anytime but like most supplements it’s better on an empty stomach.

Get bitter. Something sour or bitter can stimulate the digestive system. A lemon water or apple cider vinegar water will do the trick.

Avoid alcohol. It slows down your metabolism and can make you crave fatty foods.

During meals

Chew your food well. It’s a simple idea but something we can forget when a lovely plate of food is presented to us. A little extra chewing breaks down the food a bit before it gets to the stomach, lessening the job of the gut and our digestive processes.

Better yet, give your gut a rest every so often with ‘pre-digested’ meals like soups and slow-cooked dishes. The long cooking of the ingredients breaks them down so your gut doesn’t have to do so much of the heavy-lifting.

Stress-less. It’s pretty obvious stress affects digestion. Light some candles like our Negative Ion candles, put on some chilled tracks and chat amongst yourselves. This is the recipe for a good time.

Negative Ion candles

After meals

Go herbal. Sipping on herbal teas can promote the movement of food through the digestive tract and give relief from any discomfort. If you’re anything like us at Supercharged HQ, you have a vast array of herbal teas in your pantry.

Gut massage. The massage action mimics the motion of food through your colon.

Image of a woman's hands placed on her stomach, enjoying a gut-loving massage.

Try this simple but effective gut massage to get things moving.

Get walking. An after dinner walk is not only beneficial to your digestion, it's also good fun with a friend and sets you up for a good night’s rest.

Golden Gut Digestive Cookie

A tray of cookies, including the Golden Gut Digestive Cookie, placed on a table.


  • 115g (1 cup) almond meal

  • 30 g (1/4 cup) coconut flour (or use oats)

  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)

  • 2 teaspoons golden gut blend

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • 110 g (1/2 cup) coconut oil or unsalted butter, melted

  • 85g (1/2 cup) coconut sugar

  • 100 g (1/2 cup) almond butter

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla powder

  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten


  • Preheat the oven to 175°C (345°F) and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  • In a medium bowl, mix the almond meal, coconut flour, bicarbonate of soda, golden gut blend and salt.
  •  In a large bowl, beat the coconut oil or butter and coconut sugar for about 1 minute. Stir in the almond butter, vanilla powder and egg until well mixed.
  • Fold the almond meal mixture into the egg mixture, then refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll the dough into 16–20 balls, place on the prepared baking tray with at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) between them, and press each one down with a spatula.
  • Bake for 12–15 minutes, until golden, then cool completely on the baking tray. They’ll be soft in the middle, but will harden as they cool.

1 Response


May 16, 2022

Some great advice for preparing the body for the food ahead. Yes when that plate of food is infront of you. Everything you’ve been taught can fly out of the window. Chewing properly eases the burden on the gut.

Taking a stroll after dinner like chewing properly aids the digestive process.
Digestive biscuits. Look absolutely delicious. The great thing is they live up to their name.

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