Nature’s Way to Healing Long Covid

If you’re suffering from Long Covid, Post Viral Issues, CFS/ME or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, this online course will help you recover.

Drawing on cutting-edge research from global experts, this comprehensive 8-week online course by bestselling author and clinical nutritionist Lee Holmes offers a step-by-step approach to reduce the duration of Long Covid and viral and mast cell issues to facilitate a quicker return to a fulfilling life.

Grounded in Lee's personal experience with Long Covid, this course provides invaluable insight into this complex condition. Emphasizing the powerful impact of nutrition and lifestyle adjustments, Lee guides you through a practical, tried-and-tested plan for supporting your recovery.

The course curriculum includes:

- Thirty nourishing low-histamine recipes for meals and snacks to aid the healing process
- Customizable tools like a symptom tracker, self-care checklist, and pacing diary to monitor your progress
- Expert-backed strategies to manage Long Covid symptoms and optimize your body's recovery
- Teachings on the gut-brain connection, the role of inflammation, Mast Cell Activation and other key factors in Long Covid

Whether you're in the throes of Long Covid or post viral illness, supporting a loved one, this course empowers you with the knowledge and resources to embrace Nature's Way to Healing. Regain your vitality and reclaim your life.

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